Volunteers are always needed.

Volunteer News
This is that time of year when most of us start to reflect on all the things that have changed over the course of the year so far.
For some it’s not only a time of reflection, but a time when we become a little introspective. Thinking whether we are still same person or did we perhaps grow and change during this last year.
We begin to think about all of the things in our individual lives that we are truly grateful for. GIVING THANKS should be celebrated each and every day. As hospice care staff, we know how precious and important all the little things are.
Take time as this holiday season begins to be good to yourself. Enjoy your family and friends. Have a good time at all those festive parties. But most of all, take time for yourself. Do something that is just for you.
Take a walk, read a good book. The important thing is to simply take a break. Let your mind and body have some quiet time.
In those quiet moments, GIVE THANKS out loud. You might just be surprised at how many things in your life and your family’s lives that you are thankful for!
Already knowing you as I do…I will be GIVING THANKS for YOU, our Soreo Volunteers who do so much in all the little things that you already do!
Let’s have some fun together!
Monthly activities to share and enjoy with residents/staff at our Adult Care Homes.
We now have 2 local Adult Care Homes participating in our “FUN ACTIVITY” program. Each month our Volunteer Coordinator visits an adult care home to share an activity with the residents and staff.
Thank you for your service
Volunteers will always be a great asset in hospice. Volunteers fill in the small spaces of care for our patients and their families in the biggest way, they give that most precious gift…THEMSELVES.
Keep up the great work you are doing in your communities, I have often heard, “Teamwork makes the dream work!” Volunteers are in integral part of our dynamic team!
Patients and their families just want to say “Thank You” for all you do.
“I can’t imagine those last few weeks without our volunteer, her kindness and calm, understanding made all the difference!”
“The volunteer was so gentle with my mom when she came to sit by her bedside and read aloud my mom’s favorite book. It always made my mom smile.”
As I continue to bring you these special thoughts from patients and their families. I am very PROUD of each one of you for your generosity and your willingness to have an open heart, you are a blessing not only to our patients and their families but to me as well.
-Mary DiMaggio

Alzheimer’s Walk 2017
by Mary DiMaggio, Volunteer Coordinator
Team “Soreo” participated in the Alzheimer’s walk which was a great success. Our team had a lot of fun. There was a special hillside garden for participants to place flower windmills to honor the individuals in their lives to represent and honor at the walk. This garden had hundreds of flowers in beautiful magnificent colors.
From the vantage of our table, we spoke to hundreds of people, sharing information about Soreo Hospice, In-Home Support services and our Volunteer Program. Mary, our Volunteer Coordinator will be following up to share the importance of becoming a hospice Volunteer!

The new updated web launch party was held on Tuesday, October 24th. Everyone who attended had a really fun time.
Some of the costumes were “scary” while others were really imaginative and very cute. The buffet was tasty and the candy buffet was packed full of all kinds of goodies.
A special “KUDOS” to Erica from In Home Support who did a “spooktacular” job with the decorations and the photo booth where all in attendance had fun taking spooky pictures. Visit Soreo’s website and facebook page to see all the “ghostly” pictures from this amazing event!

The month of November will be our time for truly giving thanks. If you would like to attend any or all of the events listed below, please contact Mary, your Volunteer Coordinator.
Thursday, November 2nd | “Death with Dignity” Panel Discussion at Desert Presbyterian Church | (10:30AM-12:30PM) | |
Friday, November 3rd | Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce (New Member Orientation | 9AM – 12PM) | |
Saturday, November 4th | “Fun Activity” at Casa de Los Abuelos & Morning Glory Adult Care Homes | (1:30PM – 4PM) | |
Monday, November 13th | Neighbors Care Alliance meeting at Catalina Methodist Church | (1:30PM – 3PM) | |
Tuesday, November 14th | Community Hospice Volunteer meeting at Murphy/Wilmot Library | (3:30PM – 5PM) | |
Monday, November 6th | begin delivering “Thank You for Your Service” gifts to all of our Veteran patients |
Monday, November 20th | begin delivering “Thanksgiving” mini-pies to all of our patients | ||
Thursday, November 23rd | THANKSGIVING DAY!!! | ||
Friday, November 24th | Office Closed for observance of Thanksgiving holiday |
Special Note: If you have any ideas, suggestions or a story we need to share for next month’s issue, please contact me.
I enjoy exchanging thoughts and words of encouragement with you.